18 Mar What Are the Benefits of Securing Uninsured Motorist Coverage?
Statistically, the state of Florida is a risky place for drivers to operate a vehicle. About one in four Florida drivers do NOT carry any car insurance, as reported by the Insurance Research Council via Value Penguin. That being said, drivers should take added measures to protect themselves from a dangerous automotive accident. Uninsured motorist coverage is that ideal measure. What are the benefits of uninsured motorist coverage?
Automobile Insurance Coverage in the State of Florida
According to Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, all four-wheel vehicle drivers in Florida must show proof of both personal injury protection (PIP) auto insurance and property damage liability (PDL) auto insurance. The driver’s coverage must include a minimum of $10,000 in PIP and a minimum of $10,000 in PDL; however, Florida law does not require drivers to show proof of uninsured motorist coverage.
What exactly is uninsured motorist coverage? As stated, Florida does not require an owner of a motor vehicle to carry bodily injury insurance. So, what happens if you are injured through the negligence of another who does not have bodily injury insurance? What happens if you are involved in a hit-and-run crash? Uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage protects you when the driver at fault did not carry bodily injury insurance, was underinsured, or left the scene of the accident and is now a “phantom vehicle.” In this case, your insurance company will step into the shoes of the at-fault party’s insurance company. These damages can include, but are not limited to, out of pocket medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, future medical care, and the value of your overall injury.
Additionally, Florida’s penalty for driving without basic car insurance is only a $150-500 fee and/or a “suspended license and registration for up to three years, unless proof of insurance is provided within five days,” according to Value Penguin. These penalties are light compared to other states. Since Florida drivers are not motivated to carry additional coverage, you need to do everything in your power to ensure your safety is protected when negligent Florida drivers hit the road. Uninsured motorist coverage will provide the security you will need in the event of an automotive accident with another negligent driver. More specifically, this coverage has the ability to offer additional financial security that will seem priceless if a car accident occurs.
For all drivers in South Florida, The Law Firm of Cindy Goldstein is here if you are someone you know is injured through the negligence of another. As a personal injury attorney, the team at The Law Firm of Cindy Goldstein will aggressively fight for your legal rights and respective financial compensation after you have been involved in an accident caused by a negligent driver. With Cindy Goldstein’s experience, she can help you understand next steps and how to achieve your desired outcome. Schedule your FREE case evaluation and a FREE consultation with her team today.